
Showing posts from July, 2022

Oceanographic Institutions. B. Sc. Geography

International oceanographic program Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission ,  UNESCO International Council for the Exploration of the Sea International Hydrographic Organization International Ocean Discovery Program , formerly called the  Integrated Ocean Drilling Program . InterRidge , an international research collaboration on oceanic seafloor spreading zones. North Pacific Marine Science Organization  (PICES) Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research , part of the  International Science Council . By American Geophysical Union Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation European Geosciences Union The Oceanography Society India  Center for Marine Living Resources in Kerala, under the  Ministry of Earth Sciences .  CMLRE Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala, under the  Indian Council of Agricultural Research .  CMFRI National Centre for Ocean Information Services  in Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad.  ESSO-INCOI

Map Projection. Coordinate System. Scale

Map scale refers to the factor by which the real world is reduced to fit on a map. A GIS is multiscalar. Map projections are mathematical formulas used to transform the three-dimensional earth to two dimensions (e.g., paper maps, computer monitors). Map projections introduce distortions in distance, direction, and area. Map Scale The world is a big place…really big. One of the challenges behind mapping the world and its resident features, patterns, and processes is reducing it to a manageable size. What exactly is meant by "manageable" is open to discussion and largely depends on the purpose and needs of the map at hand. Nonetheless, all maps reduce or shrink the world and its geographic features of interest by some factor. Map scale refers to the factor of reduction of the world so it fits on a map. Map scale can be represented by text, a graphic, or some combination of the two. For example, it is common to see "one inch represents one kilometer" or something simil

Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems

Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems. Warm Regards Geodesy- the shape of the earth and definition of earth datum, gravity field, earth rotation. • Map Projection- Transformation of the curved earth to a flat map.(3D->2D). • Coordinate systems-(x,y,z) coordinate systems for map data.